3 easy ways to turn your simple space into a wonderful sanctuary
In my opinion, a bedroom or office or home should never be just a bedroom, office or home. There is so much more potential in a space than that.
I’ve always thought a space should be a sanctuary. Interiors totally have the potential to allow creativity, productivity or reflection. I’m a super visual person, so my environment is everything. I can literally feel relaxation or the attack of stress as soon as I enter my room. If you’re the same, you should definitely be making your spaces sanctuaries instead of places to simply exist.
a look at my own space—I love to use my everyday belongings (like clothing accessories) as decor when I can.
You’d think this would be a no-brainer, except that with “nordic minimalism” this and “mid-century-modern” that, it can be difficult to actually determine what you like. Interior trends and Instagram fads are great, but you might write them all off or use some new combination to create your space.
You should be asking yourself some questions at this point. What styles do I like? What textures? Do I like curved pieces or angular? Vintage or modern?
This idea involves my next tip…
I like, really like Pinterest. And I definitely could sit on a comfy couch all day and just scroll to my little visual heart’s content. But, even I can become overwhelmed after being inundated with images for a while and I’m left wondering how I’m going to fit a tapestry, a gallery of images AND a statement wall onto one wall of my small bedroom. This issue becomes even bigger if you’re considering renovations or additions. Once you get wiring and plumbing involved, you’d better be confident in your choices. Try to stick to one or two big projects in each space and fill in with smaller/everyday items.
This vignette was inspired by a combination of ideas I gleaned from Pinterest.
Yep, that’s right-you didn’t think I was gonna leave out emotions, did you? Your space should inspire an emotional response, whether that response is serene tranquility or energetic stimulation. Think about what makes you feel positive. For me, I know too many bright colors stress me ouuut. But at the same time, a space that has too many neutral colors might feel sterile or bland. It’s been a process to find out the interior elements that make me feel BOTH creative and relaxed. Regardless, a good way to involve your feelings when it comes to your space is to use memories—photographs, mementos or souvenirs are great strategies to capture a feeling.
Decorating a space is ultimately a process. It can take time to find what styles you like best and what will work for the space you have. Don’t be afraid to try out different styles or to use a mix of new items and repurposed decor pieces you already have. Incorporating these ideas may just get you closer to the sanctuary you need!
For more interior space and decor inspiration, follow my home and room decor boards on Pinterest!